The Almighty works marvels for me. Holy his name!
Welcome to the Catholic Parishes of
St Marys Mudgee, St John the Baptist Gulgong,
St Dominics Kandos/ St Malachys ylstone.
We acknowledge the custodians of the land
on which we live, work and pray.
We walk on Wiradjuri country.
May we con to love and respect the land as they have.
Mrs K
 9.00am
 1.00pm
  2 Kings 4:42-44
They will eat and have some le over.
Ps 144:10-11, 15-18. R. v.16
 The hands of the Lord feeds us; he answers all
our needs.
All your creatures shall thank you, O Lord,
and your friends shall repeat their blessing.
They shall speak of the glory of your reign,
and declare your might, O God. 
The eyes of all creatures look to you
and you give them their food in due me.
You open wide your hand,
grant the desires of all who live. 
The Lord is just in all his ways
and loving in all his deeds.
He is close to all who call him,
who call on him from their hearts. 
Ephesians 4:1-6
There is one body, one Lord, one faith, one bapsm.
   
Alleluia, alleluia!
A great prophet has appeared among us;
God has visited his people.
He distributed to those who were seated as much as
they wanted.
- REFLECTION By Nick Brodie
Pope Francis draws our aenon to the boys role in todays
Gospel passage. He makes us think’, the Pope says. His
compassion moved him to oer what he had.
There is no suggeson in the Gospel that the loaves and sh
were forcibly taken from the boy. Rather, it is implied that they
were his gi. An act of human charity is, therefore, a key
element in Jesusmiracle.
Another noteworthy factor is Jesus sense of priority. This
episode, the Pope points out, shows us again that Jesus is
aenve to peoples primary needs’. This has implicaons for
we who seek to follow him.
Aer all, the boy was discovered because Jesus prompted his
disciples to think about how they could feed the crowd. As the
Pope says, the people were hungry and Jesus engaged his
disciples so that this hunger could be sased.
While Jesus oered the crowd much more than food his
Word, his solace, his salvaon, ulmately his life he did not
neglect their physical needs. And we, his disciples, cannot
ignore this’, the Pope arms. We are called to follow the
example of Jesus, his apostles, and the boy with a few loaves
and sh. We must not turn our backs on the people or retreat
from the world. We must face up to the reality we nd – and do
what we can. © Nick Brodie
Please scan the Childrens Liturgy QR code
at the front of the church to sign your child
in for Childrens Liturgy.
ALL children aending Childrens Liturgy
must be signed in by their parents or carers.
Catholic Parishes of Mudgee, Gulgong and Kandos
are looking for people to come
forward and assist as
Sacristans, to help prepare the
church for Mass or Readers at
Mass. Please consider helping
with these ministries. Just give
your name to Merilyn Carney
or Carolyn Holland.
Training will be provided.
 
 D. Kelly P. Leoa
 J. Thatcher B. Toole
 TBA C. Holland
 D. Cunningham L. Croake
 L. Nicholson M. Bodycote
 J. Thomet W. Bodycote
 C. Furney R. Croake
 C. Carberry M. Gilbert
 D. Benne Childrens Liturgy
 I. Browne R. Gawthorne
 29th Jul K. OBrien
 C. Furney A. Myles
 A. McLean K. Cassidy
 D. Cunningham M. Mahews
 L. Nicholson M. Dunnachie
 F. Lupton Mrs. S. Walker
 K. Isbester Childrens Litergy
 L. Nicholson R. Gawthorne
 5th Aug M. Walker
 Mon—E. Goodlet
Wed—J. Cooper
Thu—I. Browne
Fri— I. Browne
Sat— I. Browne/
Fr Owen
R. Gawthorne
Prayer meeng weekly on
Mondays, will be held at 10am at
Rylstone followed by a cuppa.
Donaons are being accepted for
a new organ for
St. Malachys church, Rylstone.
Donaons will be acknowledged.
Please contact Fr. Owen or the
Parish Oce or Louis.
Save the Date
On the 4th August, SVDP will be
celebrang 95 yrs of caring in
Kandos area.
A Thanks Giving Mass will be held
at 11am followed by lunch. All
RSVP to Carol, Linda, Maureen by
23rd July. Ladies please bring a
slice or cake.
 
We pray that the Sacrament of
the Anoinng of the Sick
confer to those who receive it
and their loved ones the
power of the Lord and become
ever more a visible sign of
compassion and hope for all.
to help with:
Flower decorang in the Church
Oertory—bring up the gis during
Mass. This ministry can be do as a group
or family.
Welcomers—Do you have a smile and
like to say hello to people, this ministry
may be for you. Greeng people out the
front of the church before Mass and
giving them a Bullen is important
ministry and leaves a lasng impression
of our community.
If you are interested, please contact the Parish
are available in a tub at
the back of the Church. Please return cushions
to tub aer use.
Youth Group Kick-Off!
We are excited to announce the start
of our Youth Group, open to all young
people from Year 9 to young adults
(30 years old). The group will focus on
Faith, Fun and Food. This group is a
fantasc opportunity to grow in faith,
develop leadership skills, build lasng
friendships, and parcipate in fun and
meaningful acvies.
 3 pm every Sunday.
Start on 28 July.
 Parish Hall.
In the long run, we need volunteers
for logiscs. Picking up pizza is an
example. Please! Don't hesitate to get
in touch with the oce if you would
like to help.
And most importantly, please spread
the word to those you think that this
youth group will be good for them.
Youth Reflection
by Lisa-Marie Calderone-Stewart
Who has the courage to bring forth those
ve barley loaves and two sh? A young
person! It is a young person who makes
the decision to share personal food with a
crowd of people. That young person gives
us an example of how we should be. That
one young person makes a dierence.
Have you ever been in that situaon?
Have you ever done something that
served as an example to adults as well as
to other young people? If so, what did you
do? What happened?
So oen we want to make a dierence,
but we feel as if we cannot. I am only one
person. How can I make a dierence? is
what we oen ask ourselves. But most
major changes in the world happen
because one or two people have the
courage to try something new.
Lots of mes we try something new and it
fails. At that point we have two choices.
We can either give up or we can try again
in a way that applies our learning from the
rst failed aempt. Sooner or later we will
make a discovery: we will discover the
right way to do something new, or we will
discover that weve put enough me and
energy into a dicult quest and its me
to change gears and focus on something
Catholic Parishes of Mudgee, Gulgong and Kandos
Richard Orth, Dot Robinson, Bishop Kevin Manning.
Doris Carroll, Edward Loneragan, Glenda Seath, Mavis Smith,
Patrick Filer, Susan Peterson, Clement Morris, Maxwell Pillley,
Siegfried Braun, Allan Heaslip, Ruby Gawthorne, Alan Forwood,
Brian OFarrell, Emmanuel Farrugia, Lynee Pilley, Warren Roche,
Helmut Muller, John McRae, Penelope Hoyer, Ernest Nairne,
William Tighe, Rina dIlio, Maggie Swientek
Freddie Sol, Val Headley, Graham Hawkins, Ron Stewart,
Marie Sheridan, Mijo (Michael) Glavacevic Sr, Anka Glavacevic,
Djuro (George) Jozicic, Eva Jozicic, Mijo (Michael) Glavacevic,
Ana Glavacevic.
         
Sigrid Germon, Ron Muscat, Carla Perroo, Carmen Archer,
Trish Buckley, Joe Saliba, Doreen Wurth, Horace Saliba,
June Ritar, Paula Ryan, Tony Spina, Elizabeth Donelly, Tony Harris,
Tracy Donelly, Angela Marakovic, Zvonko Glavacevic,
Trevor Roberts (England), Iris McBeath, Josephine Debaksta,
Tomislav Marakovic (Sydney), Lynne Daly, Carmel Thompson,
Kim Barry, Dennis Petersen, Rodrigo Jaboneta, and all those in our
Nursing Homes.
 
12 noon Angelus
 
9.30am - Mudgee
12 noon Angelus
6.30pm First Holy Communion & Reconciliaon
Parent and Carers Meeng in the Parish
 
12 noon Angelus
5.30pm Reconciliaon
5.45pm -Mudgee
 
9.30am  - Mudgee—SMCS Yr 2
12 noon Angelus
12.15pm Gulgong—All Hallows Yr 6, Yr 3 &
 
10.30am —Opal Nursing Home
11.30am Exposion of the Blessed Sacrament
12noon Rosary
12.30pm  - Mudgee
 
12 noon Angelus
4.30pm Reconciliaon
5.00pm - Mudgee
 
8.30am Rosary - Mudgee
9.00am - Mudgee
10.30am - Gulgong
11.00am - Rylstone
12 noon Angelus
3.00pm Youth Group
5.00pm Word & Faith Group
A married couple were arguing who is making the
coee, the wife said that in the Bible it says that
men should make the coee and the
husband asked her where it said
that. The wife opened the Bible and
said: "Right here in HEBREWS!"
The Australian Summary Report on the Synod on
Synodality has now been published and is available
Bishop Manning was born on 2 November
1933 in Coolah, NSW to Kevin and Edith
Manning, he was the second eldest in a
family of ve boys and two girls.
He aended Sacred Heart Primary School
in Coolah before going on to St Columbas
College, Springwood where he later began
his studies for the priesthood. He was
selected to complete his studies at the Propaganda Fide College in
Rome, where he was ordained to the priesthood on 21 December
From 1962 to 1978, he served as a priest of the Diocese of
Bathurst. In 1978, he was appointed Assistant Secretary to the
Australian Catholic Bishops Conference in Canberra for ve years,
and then as Secretary from 1983 to 1991.
In 1991, Bishop Manning was appointed the eighth Bishop of
Armidale, NSW, where he served unl his appointment as Bishop
of Parramaa on 10 July 1997.
     will take place at
St Patricks Cathedral, Paramaa on Friday 2nd August at 11am.
Bishop Manning will be buried on Monday 5th August in Coolah
NSW, his home town. A will be said at 11.00am at
Sacred Heart Church and will be followed by the internment at
Coolah cemetery.
Catholic Parishes of Mudgee, Gulgong and Kandos
-- -- - -
Becoming Catholic
The love of Jesus is for everyone; everyone has the same
privilege: that of being loved and forgiven.
Pope Francis, Palm Sunday 2022
The is for all those seeking to become members of the
Catholic Church.
This journey is for people who have never been bapsed,
and for those who have been bapsed in other Chrisan
denominaons. Even parishioners can benet in being part
of their journey.
The non-bapsed are prepared in a Catholic parish RCIA
program and are joyfully received into the Catholic Church
by receiving the three Sacraments of Iniaon Bapsm,
Conrmaon and the Holy Communion, which tradionally
takes place at the Easter Vigil.
For those already bapsed, they too are prepared and
welcomed into full communion of the Catholic Church by
receiving the Sacraments of Conrmaon and the Holy
Communion, which can also take place during Easter
celebraons or another suitable season. Catholic who
would like to know more about their faith are also welcome
Our goal must be innite, not the nite. The innite is
our homeland. Heaven has been waing for us forever.
Blessed Carlo Acus
Thank you to all the Parents and Carers who aended the
meeng on Thursday. For those who were not able to
aend, the meeng will be repeated on
in the Parish Centre
See our website:
for more details.
Prayer for the Fourth World Day
for Grandparents and the Elderly
A Blessing Prayer for Grandparents
by Greg Sunter
God of all the generaons
Your gi of faith and gi of love
have been handed down to us
through parents, grandparents and
great-grandparents for all of me.
Look with favour on all our grandparents and bless them.
Bless their eyes that look on us with love and aecon.
Bless their ears that listen to our quesons and our stories.
Bless their knees and laps we sit on.
Bless their arms that hold us and their hands that help us.
Bless their legs that walk beside us.
Bless their hearts that swell with pride for us.
And bless their faces that bring us joy.
Bless them and keep them as they bless and keep us.
We make this prayer through Saint Joachim and Saint
Anne, the grandparents of Jesus.