Becoming Catholic
Becoming Catholic
The Catholic Parish of St Mary of the Presentation Mudgee warmly welcomes any enquiries from people interested in learning about the Catholic Faith and the process of becoming a Catholic.
“The love of Jesus is for everyone; everyone has the same privilege: that of being loved and forgiven.”
Pope Francis, Palm Sunday 2022
The “Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults” (RCIA) is for all those seeking to become members of the Catholic Church. This journey is for people who have never been baptised, and for those who have been baptised in other Christian denominations. Even parishioners can benefit in being part of their journey.
The non-baptised are prepared in a Catholic parish RCIA program and are joyfully received into the Catholic Church by receiving the three Sacraments of Initiation – Baptism, Confirmation and the Holy Communion, which traditionally takes place at the Easter Vigil.
For those already baptised, they too are prepared and welcomed into full communion of the Catholic Church by receiving the Sacraments of Confirmation and the Holy Communion, which can also take place during Easter celebrations or another suitable season. Catholic who would like to know more about their faith are also welcome
If you are interested or know someone interested, don't hesitate to contact the parish office.
“Our goal must be infinite, not the finite. The infinite is our homeland. Heaven has been waiting for us forever.”
Blessed Carlo Acutis