Frequently Asked Questions

Confirmation 2025

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What is required to complete the Registration Form?


Digital copies of documents (images or scans) may be required to complete the Confirmation 2024 Registration. Please read the "Information About This Form" below to be prepared and have digital copies of documents ready before commencing the registration. As an alternative to uploading documents, you may email the documents to (remove XX) sacraments.mudgee XX @cdob XX

Page 1 - Information about this form
Helpful Links: We encourage you to read and be aware of our policies before you complete this form
Our Privacy Policy and Collection of Personal Information
Our Safe Church Awareness Policy
Our Copyright and Conditions of Use

Page 2 - Information Required About Your Child Your child's complete name (first, middle and last names), birthdate, school, school grade, sacraments completed at church and location (Baptism, Reconciliation, First Holy Communion). Copies of Baptism and First Holy Communion certificates may be required if not completed in the St Mary's Mudgee Parish.

Page 3 - Baptismal and First Holy Communion Certificates Upload a copy/s only if this is your child's first sacrament within the Catholic Parish of St Mary of the Presentation Mudgee (St Mary of the Presentation Mudgee, St John the Baptist Gulgong, St Dominic's Kandos, St Malachy's Rylstone).

Page 4 - Parent/Carer 1 Required Information If you identify as the child's mother, then you must completed this section which includes your relationship to the child, parent/carer's full name, mother's maiden name, parent/carer's email address, parent/carer's phone number. If circumstances exist that may prevent both parents/carers providing information then you may confidentially discuss this matter further before completing this form. Please contact the Parish Office on 02 6372 2122.

Page 5 -Parent/Carer 2 Required Information If you identify as the child's father, then you must completed this section which includes your relationship to the child, parents/carer's full name, parent/carer's email address, parent/carer's phone number. If circumstances exist that may prevent both parents/carers providing information then you may confidentially discuss this matter further before completing this form. Please contact the Parish Office on 02 6372 2122.

Page 6 - Confirmation Programme Participation Consent Check box acknowledgement of your Consent for your child to Participate in the Confirmation 2024 programme. BOTH parent's/carer's names and check box acknowledgements are required. If circumstances exist that may prevent both parents/carers giving consent for your child's participation in the Confirmation 2024 Programme then you may confidentially discuss this matter further before completing this form. Please contact the Parish Office on 02 6372 2122.

Page 7 - General Film and Photography Consent Check box acknowledgements of your Consent for your child to be Photographed while participating in the Confirmation 2024 programme. BOTH parent's/carer's names and check box acknowledgements are required. If circumstances exist that may prevent both parents/carers giving consent for your child to be Photographed while participating in the Confirmation 2024 Programme then you may confidentially discuss this matter further before completing this form. Please contact the Parish Office on 02 6372 2122.

Page 8 - Parent/Carer Information Session Booking You must book one of the 2 required Parent Information sessions being held in March 2024. Attendance at one of the two scheduled Parent Information Sessions is a requirement of the programme. Your child is not required to attend this session. If for any reason you cannot attend either of the two Parent/Carer Information Sessions then please inform the Sacramental Team in writing via email at (remove XX) sacraments.mudgee XX @cdob XX

Page 9 - Sacrament Contribution and Payment Choose to pay your contribution by direct bank deposit or in person at the Parish Office. If by direct deposit, either upload a copy of your Bank Deposit Receipt or email a copy of your Bank Deposit Receipt to (remove XX) sacraments.mudgee XX @cdob XX The contribution for the Sacrament of Confirmation in 2024 is $70 per child. Where more than one child in one family is participating in the Sacrament of Confirmation 2024 Programme, then please contact the Parish Office on 02 6372 2122 for family fee arrangements.

No child will be excluded from participating in any of our Sacramental Programmes due to any financial concerns. Should you wish to confidentially discuss this matter further, please contact the Parish Office on 02 6372 2122.

Bank account details for payment via Direct Bank Deposit is:
St Mary of the Presentation, Mudgee
BSB: 066 781 Account Number: 100004583
Reference: C+your family name (eg. CMysurname)


What do I do if I can't upload my registration documents?

We have noticed that some parents may not be able to upload documents during the registration process. If that happens to you then attach your documents to an email and send to (remove XX) sacraments.mudgee XX @cdob XX

What are the requirements to be a Confirmation Sponsor?

The role of the Confirmation Sponsor is to take care that the Confirmed person behaves as a true witness of Christ and faithfully fulfils the obligations inherent in this sacrament.

The Global Catholic Church require that a Confirmation Sponsor must be a Confirmed Catholic over 16 years of age. The Church has always had these requirements and it is in Canon Law. The requirements for a Confirmation Sponsor are the same requirements as for a Baptism Sponsor or Godparent.

In recent years it has become necessary to ensure these requirements are fulfilled. Our Parish has a necessity of ensuring that a Confirmation Candidate's Sponsor is Confirmed Catholic and is over the age of 16. Should your child's chosen Sponsor have been Confirmed within our parish the requirements are recorded here and may be simply verified by checking with the Parish Office. If your child's sponsor was Confirmed in another parish, then a copy of their Confirmation Certificate needs to be obtained to verify the Sponsor meets the requirements. All Parishes keep records of all Sacraments conducted at that Parish and additionally All Sacraments records are  forwarded to the Parish where the person concerned was Baptised. 

Should you be experiencing difficulty in this area of requirement for your child's chosen Confirmation Sponsor, please email your concern as soon as possible to (remove XX) sacraments.mudgee XX @cdob XX for guidance.

Tip: Should your chosen sponsor not have a copy of their Confirmation Certificate, have your chosen sponsor call the parish office where they celebrated their Baptism or their Sacrament of Confirmation. The parish concerned should be able to provide a copy of the Confirmation certificate from their records. 

What does a Booklet status of "Update" mean on my webpage?

When you have completed a Booklet correctly the status of that Booklet will change to "Completed". If the status changes to "Update" then that Booklet requires attention to correct any incorrect responses. When you click on "Update" the Booklet will reload with all the previous responses in preparation for completing the Booklet. When you click on the Booklet's Submit button, you are presented with another screen that gives you the ability to review your answers and correct any of your answers as may be necessary. Incorrect responses will be shown iduring this process.

Is there a Mass attendance requirement?

Yes. We do require the Parent/Carer and the child to attend together a total of 5 weekend Masses (either the Saturday Vigil or the the Sunday morning Mass). The Mass attendance are made up of 1 Commitment Mass at the start of the programme and then 4 additional Masses throughout the duration of the programme up to the Retreat Day. When attending a Mass, QR Code your child's attendance before the Mass or immediately after the Mass. If you cannot QR Code then a manual register of attendance will also be available at the weekend Masses. Should circumstances prevent attendance at weekend Masses then the Wednesday evening Mass may also be attended in lieu of a weekend Mass with prior arrangement to the Sacrament Team.